Room Design

Before starting to develop the project, I needed to take into consideraition who out target audience is. This game is aimed towards children from 7 to 12 years old. Therefore, this might be theyre first time using a VR headset

If the camera controls or the level design are too clunky in VR, the player will get motion sickness, getting a bad first implesion of the game. So the game has to have a basic level design that doesnt force the player to move the head to much or make fast movements.

The second aim of the room is to clearly show: 
  • A question
  • Describe a programming topic
  • Example code
  • The answers 
To fullfill all this aims, a wide room with slightly bent walls will work. This way the player will be able to see all the walls from the centre of the room.

The image below is an example of a room in game, looked from above. This room is the first thing the player sees when entering the game.


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